Revelation to the 7even - Thyatira

This week during our Revelation to the 7even series we are studying Jesus' words to the church in Thyatria fromRevelation 2:18-29. Sunday, October 23 was week 5 of the series. You can see the notes below or download them here.

Pray that God will bless your time of fellowship in his Word.

  1. Does your first or middle name have any significance?
  2. Read together Rev. 2:18-29. What comes to mind when you hear Jesus described as “the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze”?
  3. What did Jesus commend the church of Thyatira for doing well? How did the fact that the economy of Thyatira - its tradespeople and guilds, was reliant on the worship of other gods affect the Christians there? How is this relevant today?
  4. Who was “Jezebel” in the Old Testament (1 Kings 16:31-33; 2 Kings 9:22)? What do you remember about her? What was this Jezebel in Thyatira doing wrong (Rev. 2:20-21)? How did Jezebel’s false teaching lead people astray?
  5. What are some examples of false beliefs or teachings popular today? How important is sound biblical teaching to you?
  6. Why does God blame the church for this woman’s false teaching (Rev. 2:20)? What does it mean to be more tolerant than God? What should the Thyatira Church have done? What did God threaten to do about Jezebel (Rev. 2:22-23)? What did He do first (Rev. 2:21)? What does this teach us about correcting others? How do you respond to correction?
  7. What does it mean to “hold fast” (Rev. 2:25)? What are you doing, and what do you believe the church needs to do, to continue to persevere until Jesus comes? What is the reward given to Christ’s Conquerors (Rev. 2:26-28)? How do you feel about this?

Close in prayer for one another, praying that we will hold fast to Jesus, being careful not to be more, or less, tolerant than God.