Prayer Ministry

An Integral Part of NMBC

We all need prayer. We need to pray, and we need to be prayed for. The Bible urges us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17). Prayer is a critical component of our relationship with Jesus Christ. As others have noted, prayer is the backbone of the Church, and at New Minas Baptist Church (NMBC), we take it seriously. Prayer is an integral part of our worship services, our children and youth ministries, and small groups.

We are here to pray for you; in times of joy, mourning and everything in between. You can send your prayer requests by email to Pastor Daniel,, or you can write one and leave in the dropbox outside the prayer chapel at the church or click on the request button below. We are honoured to pray for you and with you.

If you would like to join our church in praying for one another and the gospel ministries we lift up, please contact Pastor Daniel @, for a subscription to the prayer email each week.