Gospel Peaks in Isaiah [Part 4 ] "Renewal for the Weary"

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares Part 4 of our series in the Book of Isaiah entitled Renewal for the Weary.

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Warm-up. What do you usually rely on for energy?

Read Isaiah 40 Ask God to bless your study.

1. How does Isaiah 40 show the infinite greatness of our caring Creator? How does meditating on this encourage you?

2. When are you most likely to forget that God is an amazing, wise and caring Creator? How can you remedy this?

3. What are some reasons why we become spiritually weary?

4. Why is waiting on the Lord difficult for us? Read Isaiah 30:18 and share how this might inspire you to wait on God more.

5. What is it like to mount up with wings like eagles, run and not be weary, and walk and not faint spiritually? Share some examples of this from your life, especially from troubling times.