Gospel Peaks in Isaiah [Part 3 ] "Our Response"

Pastor Paul Fowler shares Part 3 of our new series on the Book of Isaiah entitled “Our Response”.

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Warm-up. “What is your go-to worship song or hymn and what makes it so meaningful?”

Read Isaiah 12:1-6 Ask God to bless your study.

1. In what ways does this chapter give us reasons to praise our God?

2. How does deep meditation on this passage spur us on to give thanks in all circumstances?

3. What is the significance of the reference to God’s anger being “turned away”? How does is relate to the concept of propitiation in Romans 3:25 and 1 John 2:2?

4. What does it mean when Isaiah says “God is my salvation”? And how does this declaration deepen the statement “Let the one who boats, boast in the Lord”? (1 Corinthians 1:31)

5. In what ways does this brief chapter call us to sing?

6. How do verses 4-6 point to Jesus’s encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:4-30? How does this also connect with Jesus’s statement in John 7:28?

7. How do verse 4-6 strongly move us out to be on mission together?

8. What is the connection between the missional work of the church and joyful worship?

9. How does verse 6 connect with the promise that we will one day be on the very presence of God in the heavenly Jerusalem (Zion)?