Divine Appointments

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares a message entitled "Divine Appointments”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. What are your favourite things about Spring?

Read: Acts 8:26-40. Ask God to bless your study.

1. Who accepted the gospel in 8:26-40? What status did this kind of person have with the Jews (Deuteronomy 23:1)?

2. How was the Ethiopian’s conversion significant to the progress of the gospel (Psalm 68:31; Isaiah 56:3-5; Ephesians

2:11-18)? What convinced the eunuch to be baptized (8:35)?

3. Do you know anyone in a similar position like the eunuch (8:30-34)? How can you help that person?

4. Read Romans 10:14-17. Why is evangelism and sending missionaries important in fulfilling the Great Commission?

5. What kind of pressures do you face that prevent or hinder you from sharing your faith story with others?

6. When the believers were scattered to different regions, they did not cease to evangelize. How can you make the most of the opportunities to evangelize where you are this week?

7. Philip shared Jesus with the Ethiopian eunuch from the Scriptures. What Scriptures could you memorize so that you are ready to share the gospel through God’s divine appointments?

8. How can you know whether God is prompting you to talk to a particular person about Christ? Where’s the balance between urgency and trusting the Holy Spirit’s timing and leading?