A Journey With Jacob [Part 3]

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares part 3 in our new 2024 series entitled "Finding Forever Love”.

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Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. Why is marriage avoided so much today?

Read: Genesis 29:15-35. Ask God to bless your study.

1. God chose the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to be his special people. Did they deserve it? Why did God choose such flawed families? What does his choice tell us about him?

2. Why is Laban so eager to have a wage agreement with Jacob (Genesis 29:15)?

3. Jacob deceived his father by pretending to be his brother in order to steal the firstborn blessing. How did Jacob get a nasty taste of what this was like (Genesis 29:21-26)?

4. Consider what happened to each deceiver in this story. How was each person basically deceived themselves with regard to sin and it’s consequences (see Galatians 6:7-8)?

5. What does the Lord’s response to Leah’s misery (Genesis 29:31) tell us about him? What acts of mercy and kindness has the Lord done for you?

6. Look at the explanation Leah gives for each of the names she gave her sons. What insight does this give into her relationship with Jacob and with God?

7. What did God do through the birth of Leah’s fourth child, Judah, that helped her find forever love and get her life back? What earthly person or thing do you need to stop giving your heart to if you are going to get your life back?