Palm Sunday 2024

Pastor Daniel Cormier shares a message entitled "You Ready for the King?”.

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Sermon Notes

Reflection & Discussion

Warm-up. When you think “hero” what comes to mind?

Read: John 12:12-19. Ask God to bless your study.

1. What impresses you most about the scene in John 12:12-19? Why is the scene important? What do you think John wants to teach his readers? How does the scene make you feel?

2. Read Zechariah 9:9-13 and discuss how its context relates to the kind of king Jesus was claiming to be.

3. Who do the crowds believe Jesus is? What were they expecting Jesus to do? Why were the Jews so wrong in their understanding of what the Messiah would be and do?

4. How is Jesus better than any king the Israelites could have hoped for or imagined? Why does Jesus ride in on a donkey rather than a warhorse? How will Jesus return (Rev 19:11-16)?

5. What are the signs of Jesus’ second coming in Luke 21:25-28? How does this affect your future outlook?

6. Read 1 Peter 4:7-9 and on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being weakest and 10 strongest) where would you rate how well you are living out these verses? In what ways could you improve?

7. What are you looking forward to most about Jesus’ return?