Meandering - Born Again

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”   Romans 6:4

Dorothy Sayers wrote, “One must not only die daily, but every day one must be born again.” She did not mean that we are in danger daily of losing our salvation, but rather we are daily in danger of losing the joy and awareness of our salvation. Thus, daily we are to recall - to be ‘born again’, to the reality of our union with Christ (Romans 6:1-11). We were once dead in sin, indifferent and ignorant to the beauty of Jesus. “He had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.” (Isaiah 53:2). However, by God’s grace our eyes have been opened (Ephesians 1:18) to behold the glory of Jesus, that eclipses all else.

In blindness, however, the world asks, “How is your beloved better than others…” (Song of Songs 5:9)? We answer, “he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend” (Song of Songs 5:16). None compares to Jesus Christ. In him, and the beauty of his holiness, we daily come alive and thrive in faith. We no longer try to satiate the thirst of our soul on the Red Bulls of the world. Instead, through the mercies of God, which are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), we drink deeply of the Living Water of Christ (John 4:10-11; 7:37-38)! He alone satisfies our deepest longings.

Canadian Pastor, Arnold Dallimore, describes an event that occurred during the 1880’s. “A group of American ministers visited England to hear some of the well known preachers of that land. On a Sunday morning they attended the City Temple where Dr. Joseph Parker was the pastor. Some two thousand people filled the building, and Parker’s forceful personality dominated the service. His voice was commanding, his language descriptive, his imagination lively, and his manner animated. The sermon was scriptural, the congregation hung upon his words, and the Americans came away saying, “What a wonderful preacher is Joseph Parker! Is there a better preacher in all of London?”  That evening they went to hear Charles Spurgeon at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. The building was much larger than the City Temple, and the congregation was more than twice the size. Spurgeon’s voice was much more expressive and moving and his oratory noticeably superior. But they soon forgot all about the great building, the immense congregation, and the magnificent voice. They even overlooked their intention to compare the various features of the two preachers, and when the service was over they found themselves saying, “What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus Christ. In all the world there is not a greater!”

There’s no need to seek out another. It is Jesus! He is altogether lovely. May we daily be born again and again to this glorious, gospel reality.

Thanks for meandering along with me,
Pastor Daniel