There's No Place Like Home - Part 7 - Family Members

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These are the small group notes for part seven of this series. On November 5, 2017 Pastor Daniel preached this message. You can download the notes in PDF format or you can follow along below.

Small Groups Notes

Pray together and then describe your past week in weather terms. (Was it stormy, cloudy, foggy, mostly sunny, etc.)

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Why should outward appearances or status not matter to us? What unifies all Christians? (12:13) Who arranged the parts of the body of Christ? (12:18)
  2. Why shouldn’t all Christians perform the same function? (12:19) Why should members of the body of Christ not say to each other, "I don’t need you"? (12:21-22)
  3. How might you compare your place in the body of Christ to a part of the human body? How well do you interact and serve with other members in the body of Christ?
  4. Have you felt insecure in the use of your gifts? Have you been envious of other people’s gifts and talents? How can you seek to be content in the gift(s) God has given you?
  5. How can we treat the "weaker" members of our fellowship as indispensable? What can you do to suffer with those in the church who suffer and rejoice with those who are honoured?
  6. What is one way you can show concern and love for another member of your church? What would be the best way to use your unique abilities in the body of Christ this year?

The question is not, “What is the church doing for me?” But rather, “What can I contribute to the church to participate in the fulfillment of its mission and its sense of being a close family?” Pray that we at NMBC will seriously ponder and pursue this.