There's No Place Like Home - Part 5 - Church Family Unity

No Place Like Home - Part 5 - Church Family Unity.jpg

These are the small group notes for part four of this series. On October 15, 2017 Pastor Daniel preached this message. You can download the notes in PDF format or you can follow along below.

Small Groups Notes

Pray. Share one thing you like to do when you have free time.

  1. How important is unity in the church family, and why?
  2. What are we to do with regards to our “calling” (v. 1)?
  3. Which of the Christlike character qualities (v. 2) do you need to work on (with the Spirit’s help) the most?
  4. As you consider the meanings of the Christlike traits Paul described (v. 2), read about and discuss our source and power (3:14-21) to live it out. Note also that Paul rarely urged them (and us) to do certain things, but usually to be a certain way.
  5. How can these traits and attitudes (v. 2) help us as a church family to practically fulfill the command in 4:3?

Pray that our church family continues to make every effort to grow visibly and powerfully in these Christlike virtues so that our love and unity is strong in the Lord.