Meandering - Running for the Prize

Meandering - Running for the Prize

Every week I witness so many of you tenaciously and joyously emptying the tank, and going hard in the kingdom work we do together. As our Canadian athletes mutually inspire one another and our nation during the Olympics, I know we’ll continue, with all God’s might and for his glory, to do the same in the Valley. I am so glad to be a part of God’s winning family here at New Minas Baptist Church.

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Meandering - Double Fireplace

Meandering - Double Fireplace

Berated and bleached by briny winds, few clapboards remained. The loosened and disheveled stone basement was slowly swallowing up the once ornate seaside house. Not far from where the Anabaptists first landed in 1763, this dilapidated homestead had at one time sheltered inhabitants from the frigid winds of the Bay of Fundy. In my late teens, along with a friend, I gingerly stepped onto it’s sunken porch, having summoned the courage to explore the long vacated property...

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Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

Meandering - Practicing Godliness [Jerry Bridges & Jonathan Goforth]

I am grateful for the many, many wonderful Jesus-loving servants who model a life of good works to the glory of God and the benefit of his people. As someone has said, “Don’t fret so much that your kids don’t listen to you, but be much afraid that they watch you.” It’s true. We all learn so much from what we see in others.

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Meandering - Holey Pockets

Meandering - Holey Pockets

The Apostle Paul also endeavoured to counter our morbid tendency to mull over and dwell only on negative, discouraging things. In Philippians 4:8 he says, “whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” He then adds that the benefit of doing this is that, “…the God of peace will be with you” (v.9). I guess, to maintain a holy mind, stuff negative things into holey pockets. 

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