Meandering - Dance Before the Lord

“Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”  Psalm 87:7

Settled more into our house, a greater area in the basement has opened up for getting back into an exercise routine. So one morning this week, in spite of my inner lawyer’s protests that it would be better to rest longer in bed, I reluctantly made my way to the basement. Deciding music would be a good idea to wake me up and get me started, I thought I’d give a listen to Toby Mac’s new album, This Is Not A Test. Needless to say, if you know T-Mac’s music, I couldn’t help but begin to dance around like nobody’s (thankfully) watching. Nobody was watching, that is, until Gina appeared and with a bemused smile, and a roll of her eyes, she made her way to the treadmill. Even though my moving to my hip hop, soul brother’s beats probably looked as if I was being attacked by a swarm of hornets, secure in her love, I carried on.

I get some of my best prayer time in while I’m exercising. I feel alive and awake and I can direct my attention to heartfelt prayer. I often follow the Lord’s pattern for prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). I focus on our Father’s name being hallowed, his kingdom coming, and his will being done in my life, in those I love, and in our church family. I thank and praise him for the daily Bread of Life he provides in Christ, for graciously meeting all our needs, enabling me to love and forgive as he first loved and forgave me, teaching me not to give into temptation, and keeping me out of the clutches of the Evil One. Thus filled that morning with a fresh sense of his power and glory, I continued to especially intercede for my family. Still keeping my cardio up, grooving with the music, I pleaded with God to keep my children close to his heart and to fill them with a desire to truly love and glorify him. Just then, the song, Undeniable, arrested my attention. Toby was singing these words, “…from the hymns that my daddy sang, I know I was made to glorify your name. From the prayers that my mama prayed, I know I was made to glorify your name.” 

I was already amped up in prayer and exuberant exercise, but when I heard those words, I felt my heavenly Father’s affirmation. Perhaps it’s not always the way we would like, but God certainly works through our fervent prayers on behalf of our children. Right then, feeling some victory in Jesus, I created what I’ll call a, “Fire Back at the Devil Dance!” Emboldened, and moving all Lord of the Dance like, I imagined and motioned as if I were taking arrows out of a quiver, and firing them here and there at the Devil. He breeds deception, conflict, war, corruption, and heartache and pain in a broken world where tragically children perish at sea looking for safe refuge. We’re on to you, Devil. Stay out of my family, and out of my church family, as well. We resist you (James 4:7). So run, Devil, run, and don’t come back! It was a cathartic war cry, believing God had stirred my heart. Some say I seem so serious, and I can’t deny it. Winding down however, sweaty and hot, breathing hard, I decided to remove my shirt. Half way up my arms, because it was wet and sticky (Icky I know!), my shirt got stuck, covering my face. Hilariously gasping for air, I thought to myself, “Great, the Devil’s going to get the last laugh as I suffocate to death.” A little panic wiggle and, thankfully, I was breathing free again. 

Yes, I feel a bit silly and self-conscience sharing all this with you. Yet, I don’t mind if you get a chuckle at my expense, or even if you dislike my choice of music, if somehow you too are encouraged to do whatever it takes to get happy and healthy in Jesus everyday, and really pray! We will be in good company, for David, a man after God’s own heart, also delighted to praise and dance “before the Lord with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14-15). 

Thanks for meandering along with me,
Pastor Daniel